
Is an app to protect minors on the internet.

Shield Opening Image


Introducing Shield: Protecting Minors, Empowering Guardians In today's connected world, ensuring the online safety of minors is more crucial than ever. Shield is not just an app; it's a commitment to creating a secure digital haven for the guardians and the minors they care for.

The Challenge

Many kids today dont understand the issues of talking/sharing info with strangers. Parents have a difficult time regulating or monitoring their kids internet activities. Which is where Shield comes in and alleviate that stress.

The Idea

In my UX Fundamentals class, we developed an app prototype called Shield with the aim of helping parents safeguard their children’s online activity. The focus of our project is addressing the issue of minors on the internet and providing parents with control over their children’s online activity. We wanted to bring the safety of monitoring to the guardians. Not everyone is tech savy and with shield they dont need to be! Here is a slideshow which showcases all main goals, target audience, Surveys, Deep Peronas and overall research. Shield Slideshow

Ideation and Prototyping

The Idea is to provide a solution to Guardians. After gathering our research, we obtained our Target Audience. The majority of users would be any Parent/Gaurdian. Those parents have kids who then classify as Minors. Minors are by law are stated as someone who is under the age of 18 who is under the care of a parent or Gaurdian unless they are emancipated.

Here is some information about Minors and the Target audience. This research was conducted to gain a better understanding of the topic and the perspectives of parents. It also assisted us in designing an app that is both user-friendly and safe!

Shield experience Map
Experience Map

Above is an experience Map that we created to show what a parent/guardian would think about for protecting their kids online.

The Design

To achieve this, we designed an app with features such as content blocking, time limits, location tracking, and more. Throughout the design process, we followed Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines to ensure the app is intuitive and user-friendly. My team and I conducted thorough research to showcase the problem and propose our solution.

Shield Account Overview
App Features & Project Focus

Final Outcome

My team and I were delighted to receive an outstanding review and grade for the Shield app prototype. This prototype serves as an eye-opener to the potential dangers that minors face on the internet. In today's world, parents are increasingly seeking ways to safeguard their children, and technology has become an essential tool for achieving this protective solution.